Small Groups Coordinator Isabel Das Gupta

by Kathy Johnson – February 23, 2017

Small quilting groups or circles in the greater Ann Arbor area were a foundation to the formation of the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild in 1987. Today a number of small groups continue and to learn more about them, I spoke with Isabel Das Gupta, the GAAQG Small Groups Coordinator

GAAQG: What is a small group and why are you so passionate about them?

Isabel Das Gupta: It is a group of quilters who gather, usually monthly, to focus on a group project or a specific quilting style for the purpose of friendship, learning, and sharing.  Groups can be as small as 3 or as big is 30, with the size often defined by the meeting location.  Group can include both and non- of GAAQG.

My passion is to enable sharing with other people.  This is hard to do in the Quilt Day Meeting with its lecture format and large number of people.  I like to get to know people personally, to learn from them, to support them and just enjoy their company.  I think small groups allow us to do that and share our interest in quilting.  Being the Small Group Coordinator, it is a pleasure to help others find their small group.

GAAQG: What is the guild’s relation to the small groups and what is your role?

Isabel Das Gupta: The guild would like to encourage small groups but it is not within our mission to establish, manage or regulate groups.  As part of this role, the guild will publish information about current small groups or new groups forming so that are aware of the opportunities.  We have also established the Small Group Coordinator position.

My role as the Small Group Coordinator is to be a facilitator and resource.  I am the “go-between” or clearing house for small groups.  I maintain a reference listing of the current small groups, assist in identifying their interests in small groups and help link who would like to form groups.  I do not plan, organize or manage the small groups as that is up to the group itself.   In order to assist the Small Group Coordinator, existing small groups are asked to tell us about their group, e.g. name, location, meeting times, group focus.  Groups are also asked if they are open to accepting new or are currently closed. 

Down the line, I hope to obtain feedback from groups so that we know what has worked well and what hasn’t and can plan more effectively

GAAQG: What do you suggest to someone who is interested in small groups?

Isabel Das Gupta:  If you are looking to join a small group, first consider your location, schedule and interest.  Are you interested in meetings during the week or the week-end, how far are you willing to travel, what are your interests such as working on a charity quilt project, learning new techniques, or quilting with friends?  Knowing your interests and limitations on time & travel distance is helpful when seeking to find a small group.

If you would like to form a small group, there are Small Group Tips listed on our guild website (you must sign in as a first).  These are great thought starters when forming a small group.  For those looking for guild near you to either form a small group or a car pool to the meetings, we have created a zip code listing of that is available on the guild website Membership page.

I would also advise that committing to a small group can be challenging as we do not know how things will work out.  My advice is to try it and, if it does not work out, you will have learned what you do not want, which helps when you are seeking what you want.

GAAQG: With your background in group therapy, what can you say about small groups, what works, what hinders.

Isabel Das Gupta:  I know how groups operate; they change all the time in such matters as and focus.  Groups need to be flexible and change as necessary.  This is a natural process of forming and reforming that makes a group dynamic.  If you are static, the group will lose energy and end. Some of our successful groups provide a challenge to learn something new while others focus on a specific quilting style or a project, but all change over time in terms of and scope.

Distance can hinder connections and participation.  The practicalities of meeting location will limit the number of participants, although most groups can accommodate 1 or 2 additional as rarely can all participate at the same meeting due to schedules.

GAAQG: How can you find out more about small groups?

The GAAQG has a webpage dedicated to Small Groups and maintains a listing of current small groups on that page (only can access it).  You can also contact Isabel Das Gupta at