On Saturday, March 19, 2022, Tara Faughnan will share her thoughts on creativity and design.
Drawing on 20 years of experience in quilting and textile design, Tara will share some of her approaches to the creative process, and discuss the importance of value, proportion and color when designing a quilt. The presentation ends with a Q and A session.
This event will be on the Zoom platform. A link will be sent to those who register prior to the event. Non-https://gaaqg.dev.nsgroupllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/006-1.jpgs who haven’t registered for one of Tara’s workshops can purchase a ticket for $10.00 Click Here All GAAQG https://gaaqg.dev.nsgroupllc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/006-1.jpgs and registrants for Tara’s workshops will receive the link at no charge during the week before the lecture.