Our guild is so very supportive of Safehouse and the quilts we make for them are very much appreciated. It is assumed that we are all contributing with quilts to the cause, but I have been very much a delinquent quilter. My intentions are always good. I want to be a maker of many quilts to give to Safehouse. But my good intentions do not always match my actions.

When so many beautiful quilts are held up at the front of the auditorium, just needing quilting, I want to take one or two every time! In fact, I have a couple. With all good plans to get each and every one done and returned by the next meeting!

I took this lovely quilt

…well over a year ago! The guilt from my unfulfilled intentions finally got to me and I started quilting it.

The quilting really did not take very long. Whyever in the world did I procrastinate for so long?!!!

And do you know what the best part of this tale is? The guild doesn’t care how long I’ve held on to that quilt before finishing it! They are happy to take it anyway! There is no time limit, no pressure and the only guilt is what I lay on myself! And they are also happy to take those ‘one or two’ other quilt tops that I may have taken, no matter how long it takes me to get them done. This feels so good that I might push a little harder to stick with it and finish some more!

I love stories with happy endings.

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